Are You Kidding

Allow me to, once again, be boogled…Scenerio: Press Release, etc. is scheduled for 5:35 am the next day…

  1. Logo is revoked at 6:30 pm night before. It is decided we will go out tomorrow with NO visual. Are you f’ing kidding me?!?
  2. 5:35 am press release. Seriously?! Who chose that time. Again, what the f*ck?
  3. Ticketing page has completely wrong visual, show name and show times. Why didn’t anybody notice until I saw it at 6:30 pm aka too late for anyone to change it as everyone has gone home.?!?
  4. Head designer is on vaca. Who approved that??? Our designer went home at 4 since she had worked 8 hours, “I’ll just finish the page tomorrow.” ARE YOU KIDDING?!

It is behind mind boggling that four parties who have been through this more times than can be counted are sooooo disorganized / have no clue what to do.

Welcome to my world or as I like to call it, my personal hell.

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