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Whiskey Notes and Parachuting Fish
the ups-and-downs and sides-to-sides of the little things that make up life
A guy and his friend walk into a bar. The bartender says, “What’ll it be?” Guy #1 says, “Uhhh…”, looks around and sees the lone Corona sign in the bar. The guy points to the sign and says, “Well, I guess I’ll have a Corona.” The bartender hands Guy #1 a cold one, turns to the second guy and says, “And, what will you have?” Guy #2 says, “Ummm…,” looks around and sees the same lone Corona sign. Guy #2 points to the sign and says, “I suppose I’ll have a Corona.”
The point of the story is that this scenario never happens in real life. Yet, it’s how most marketers are measuring online media- last clicked gets 100% of the credit. However, that single banner, paid search placement, email, etc. was probably not the sole factor that drove a person to convert. We all know that. And still, the majority measure on last click/view.
Why haven’t marketers made the transition? Because they’re lazy. They’re set in their ways. And both they and C-level Execs hate/don’t get change. I love my apples to apples, year over year data as much as the next person, but, if you’re in the interactive space, you have to be willing to roll with the punches, challenge the way things are done and go out on a limb.
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