Follow Them

This and this were great posts about some fun and not so fun people to follow on twitter. Alas, I was a bit disappointed to see not as much conflict as I was hoping for :) So… below are a few of mine. I tried not to duplicate in less I felt very strongly. However, keep in mind this post/quote…

Twitter is inherently democratic. The voices you hear are the voices you want to hearEvery single decision to follow or not follow someone is purely subjective...

Silly People to Follow:

  1. @Pistachio. OMG. Maybe how she branded herself as an “expert” should be a case study in itself. If only I could make some of the “things” I market seem soooo cool.
  2. @tferris. Getting better, but I was hoping for more from the author of the ever popular book, Four Hour Work Week.
  3. @iJustine. Can someone explain why she has so many followers?
  4. @googlenews. Stick the RSS feed on your iGoogle, but don’t follow. They’ll take up two pages worth of tweets at a time. Someone needs to introduce this bot to TweetLater.
  5. @avinashkaushik. I LOVE his blog. I really want to love his tweets too.
  6. BONUS: @JessicaKnows. I started following because I had heard such great things. I guess this tweet stream is just not my cup of tea.


  1. @therules. Probably one of my favorite non-people. So much so that I have mobile alerts turned on for them. They send one a day very early in the morning. That SMS is one of my favorites to wake up to.
  2. @ashleyvaness. Insanely insightful, funny and shares a good link every so often.
  3. @dearjanesample. She rarely tweets, but I still love ’em. She’s the inspiration for starting this blog.
  4. @adamkmiec. Kinda felt obligated. Just kidding :) Adam typically shares links that I haven’t seen elsewhere. As Steve Rubel references, he’s one of the few who has new or breaking content and doesn’t perpetuate the Lazysphere.
  5. @benleis. This one’s for bonus points. And to make @mleis jealous :)
  6. BONUS: I had a lot of trouble deciding who would be my bonus favorite, but I finally settled on @Gloson. He’s 10 (or so we’re led to believe). If he can provide value, can’t anyone?

Good for a Chuckle:

  1. @HolyGod. Can you really go wrong with tweets like, “Arm-wrestling Satan. 20 souls at stake”?
  2. @Satan. Doesn’t update much, but it sure is fun blaming @satan for things.
  3. @el_gato. This is @zappos’s cat. I think it was also one of the first “animals” to start tweeting.
  4. @TheOnion. Would a funny list really be complete without The Onion?
  5. @thebachelorguy. All the links go to his blog, but they’re still funny and things I don’t see elsewhere.
  6. BONUS: @ispenis. When you need a really stupid laugh.

Brands (the good, bad and ugly):

  1. @fairmonthotels and @MarriottIntl are my two favorite hotels. Marriott does a fantastic job in engagement marketing. I think @fairmonthotels is going to be equally as good.
  2. @barackobama. I feel so used.
  3. @viralblog. Twitter handle says it all.
  4. @vegasdouchebag. For the love of god, please tell me why continues to perpetuate this ad campaign. It really doesn’t excite me to go to Vegas.
  5. @CirqueLasVegas. Like all their social media efforts, they walk the perfect line between marketing, customer service and providing value.

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