There’s some pretty geeky conferences in town this week. I’m talking uber geeky and they all happen to be in the same week. What happens when geek conferences are in town? Well, all the uber-geeks follow. I won’t name names, but basically think of all the “experts” on twitter who have followers in the high five and six figures. With a stroke of “luck” I got to intimately meet the majority of them. It was quite the interesting experience. However, part of me wishes I had never met them. For the majority, I lost a lot of respect.
Here’s a few insights:
- – Seriously, the way people act around these “experts” is hysterical and ridiculous. I was waiting for screaming girls to run up and ask to have their breasts autographed and pledge to name their first born after these people.
- – To expand on that, the people who were assistants/coworkers/friends acted like these people were cooler than God; knowing and getting whatever they wanted. It was nice to knock them down a notch. In the real world? I have some damn good connections both in and outside of Las Vegas
- – One highly regarded (and married) guy not only tried to force himself on me, but later propositioned a hooker. Nice. Apparently, he does this kind of stuff often because he had a “babysitter” for the night.
- – Very few were able to carry a dinner conversation. When they did talk, the stories were so exaggerated and far from the truth that it was and will be hard to believe anything they say in the future. Me? I’m all about sticking to what actually happened.
- – Even fewer knew what I consider to be business dinner etiquette
- – Few used credit cards. Maybe it was a travel / being in Vegas thing, but to me, not using a credit card tells me you can’t manage finances well.
- – Most are cheapskates. There’s a time to be cheap and there’s a time not to be; like when taking potential clients out to dinner. Maybe it’s because they’re used to getting everything handed to them on a silver platter.
Oh yes, all these men and women do a FANTASTIC job at speaking gigs, blogging, having great ideas and becoming popular in the virtual world. But me? I live in the real world. I’ll take real world connections, real world etiquette and real world smart people over these virtual “webelebrities” any day of the week.
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