Top 5 Things I'm Already Sick Of

We’ve only had 13 days in 2009 and I can already tell that the below topics are going to be used ad nauseam. I vote for banning them now.

  1. Personal Branding. What you really mean is reputation. Yeah, personal branding sounds cooler, but it also focuses on making flimsy, virtual connections. Me? I’d rather have real world people vouch for shit I actually do vs. how “valuable” my tweets are.
  2. Twitter. Is it just me or has it started to get lame? I really have expanded my following pool, but I still see the same retweets and the same links. HELLO, we all read the same industry newsletters. There’s no reason to regurgitate that stuff unless you’re asking a question or it’s beyond interesting.
  3. Corporations and Social Media. NO, not all companies should join social media. Shut up. Also, stop asking/complaining when brands don’t give away free shit. Ummm, brands need to make money. While you support a family off your salary, brands support ALL their employees. I’m going to guess that number is a whole lot more than your family of four.
  4. Social Media Boy’s Club. Get over it. It happens in real life too. It’s just a helluva lot easier to see it in places like Twitter and LinkedIn. It’s not ending anytime soon… this and personal branding go hand in hand :)
  5. Douchebags. These men need to get over themselves. A woman smiling and being nice to you does not translate to, “I’d like to sleep with you.”


  1. Adam Kmiec says:

    I’m hurt by your Social Media Boys Club point. I’ve made breaking up the club my personal mission in 2009

  2. […] the beginning of the year, I wrote about the Top 5 Things I’m Already Sick Of. Rereading them, I realize these things haven’t abated and I’m still sick of them. But, […]

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