25 Random Things

Yep, sometimes I’m a lemming too. I’m not the biggest fan of chain letters, but since I did the Album Cover one, I figured I’d do this one as well. This “game” caused such a stir that it made the WSJ and NY Times to name a few.

So… 25 Random Things about me:

  1. I love Tootsie Rolls. I’m convinced it stems from my days of swimming lessons. After each lesson you got a Tootsie Roll as a reward.
  2. I’ll eat the same thing over and over again until I get completely sick of it. Then I won’t eat it for months.
  3. My dad and I are very much alike. It’s scary. Instead of saying, “I’ve turned into my mother” when I grow up, I’ll be saying, “Ugh. I’ve turned into my dad.”
  4. I LOVE basketball. Especially watching it live.
  5. When I was younger I could dunk a basketball. Seriously. I wanted to do it before my brother could.
  6. If you didn’t guess from #5, I’m extremely competitive. Not 100% sure where it comes from.
  7. I have a crazy memory. I can repeat back whole conversations I’ve had years later.
  8. I suck at opening up. I keep everything bottled up inside.
  9. I only set any alarm to odd numbers excluding 5. Don’t know why, but I’ve never broken the superstition.
  10. I have a really short torso. So much so, that most bras don’t fit me. It drives me crazy.
  11. I have to have red numbers on my alarm clock. Since few alarm clocks come with red numbers these days, I’ve had the same one for years.
  12. Every Sunday during football season my Dad and I bet the day’s games. I still use the method that I used when I was five.
  13. I hate following the crowd and flashy designer labels. I think being flashy is incredibly tacky and the reason I’ll never have a Coach purse, a Louis Vuitton belt or a Tiffany necklace.
  14. I’m Irish. I have a wicked quick temper. Your best bet is to let me simmer for a few minutes. I’ll be back to happy-go-lucky by then. Otherwise, you might have to call the cops to save you from my beating :)
  15. I want to retire to St. Thomas and spend my days surfing, water skiing and swimming. Throw in some umbrella drinks and it will be my little slice of heaven.
  16. When I rub your back, I always write a message with my nails. Don’t try to figure it out, it’s always in code.
  17. As a present for my brother’s first birthday, I got my ears pierced. It was my gift to him. I was very proud of it.
  18. It took me over two weeks to write this. It’s the longest I’ve ever spent on a post. I blame it on #8.
  19. In elementary school I had detention every day. For real. I choose it over not chewing gum. My fifth grade teacher finally suggested I try chewing paper instead. I declined and sat my ass in detention every day.
  20. I’m stubborn. I believe #19 attests to that. Don’t ever tell me, “no”, what I can and can’t do or how I should feel. My stubbornness will kick in.
  21. I have circle scars on both my knees from falling on the pool deck when I was younger. I was chasing a boy :) I didn’t even realize I had hurt myself until I looked down while riding my bike home. Both knees were gushing blood.
  22. I go by my middle name. You’ll never discover my original first name.
  23. University of Miami was my back up college. I was convinced I wanted to go some place cold. I changed my mind after spending two weeks skiing in Vermont. I’m glad my dad “forced” me to apply to a Florida school “just in case”.
  24. I’m a sucker for random, useless trivia.
  25. When everyone else was dancing on their dad’s feet, I was water skiing on them. We’d get up at the crack of dawn and go. He taught me a good amount of “parlor” ski tricks and how to barefoot.


  1. […] when you bottle things up those things fester until everything hurts and everything is questioned. I hope this ends […]

  2. […] traveling and searching lately. With it, I figured it was time to make some additions to my list of 25 Random Things. Here goes […]

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