Current Pains

We just launched a new mini site. To be clear, it’s not a microsite. It’s a mini version of the full blown site with the little content we currently have.

Frustratingly, I came into the process one week before we were set to launch. No one on the team had ever been part of a site launch, designed a site, participated in usability or eye tracking studies… you get the idea.

Because the Powers That Be couldn’t wait another week for a site launch, here’s what happened:

  1. My navigation is below the fold. Yes, I’m serious.
  2. Analytics tracking isn’t set up properly on the site. Yep, people yes’d me along and brushed off my concerns. Now, they want to know how many “hits” the site is getting.
  3. My customer data is being dropped into a black hole. Oh yes, I’m very serious. It was apparently not an important “go live” feature to have the data feed into our current database. I can’t wait until I’m asked to send an eblast :)
  4. I fought the SEO battle and lost. Now that the site is live, the Powers That Be are asking questions like, “Why is that what it says in the address bar?” and “When will I show up as #1?” ARGH. I’m glad you care AFTER THE FACT. Horribly and selfishly, I hope our SEO rankings turn out horrendous so I can say, “I told you so.”
  5. The agency who designed the site refused to make many of my requested changes or allow me to check parts of the coding. Because no one on my team understood the ramifications of what I was asking, I had no back up.

Most of all, I’m frustrated with myself. Obviously, I didn’t communicate strongly or clearly enough for my message to be heard. I didn’t stand up for myself. I didn’t put my foot down. Once again, I tried to appease the masses instead of saying, NO.

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