
Patience is not a virtue of mine. I try and sometimes succeed, especially if it involves kids. But, lately, all I feel like I’ve done is wait. A few things that I currently hate waiting on:

  1. Web Analytics Data. Ugh. Waiting 24 hours to see if your data populates correctly kills me. What a waste of time. Make a change. Pray you set things up right. Book a room. Wait. No data? Figure out what you think went wrong. Do it all over again. Yep, longest 24 hours of my life. Over and over and over again.
  2. Website Changes. Our process is ridiculous. It’s all paper based. I feel like we kill 20 trees a day. I have little to no digital record. I wonder if I can convince them to go paperless :)
  3. Waiting for responses. Waiting for an email response is like the new sitting by the phone.
  4. Waiting for proposals. Are they here yet? Are they here yet? I can only hold the mob back for so long.
  5. Waiting on me. Sometimes, I can make a decision in a heartbeat. But, other times…

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