Ways to Piss Me Off

I’ve experienced some less than stellar BDA’s in my day, but the one I’m currently working with takes the cake. And I mean the WHOLE cake. Needless to say, I’ve doubled the yardage I swim in the morning. Otherwise, I’d be so pissed I’d probably get arrested for trying to beat the shit out of them.

  1. You’ve been told several times that I am your new, main contact. Yet, you continue to go around me and brush off the weekly call we’re supposed to have.
  2. Any time I ask a “real” question, you ignore me. I’m sorry, I didn’t think requesting to see MY Adwords campaign in an hourly view was a tough one. Personally, I’ve pulled the report in less than 60 seconds. It’s been three days. I’m still waiting.
  3. Refusing to remove YOUR logo from MY site. Ummm…
  4. Sending me an email with the words, “if you force us to” when I requested something that should have been done in the first place.
  5. Setting things live or ass-u-ming things without getting explicit approval from the client. If you can’t daypart my Adwords campaign correctly, you certainly don’t even come close to understanding my business model and goals.

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