I feel a bit dirty jumping on the bandwagon and writing about Twitter Lists, but alas, they were shiny and intrigued me for a day. Now? Not so much. Well, at least not till Tweetie updates their app to include them
- For most, Lists have become another way to feed the ego. It’s another thing to beg for and another thing to show how “cool” and “popular” you are. When will #FollowFriday turn into List recommendations? PS – the fact that that meme still continues shocks me. And yes, I have followers that still get upset when I don’t tout them in a #FollowFriday tweet… even though I haven’t participated in it for months!
- Oddly, you can’t see @replies in lists, even if you follow the same people. To me, this is a downfall. I enjoy watching the back and forth conversations between the people I follow. Also, you’re missing the social piece of twitter.
- Lists allow you to follow without following. I’m curious as to how this effects blocked users. In fact, I’m curious as to how this will play out altogether. Will you no longer hit the follow button and just add someone to a list? If you add someone to a private list, they’ll never know. Stalker much?
- Like everyone else has hinted, Lists change your follower count. But, do they? Sure, people have created lists, but are they truly being utilized? Right now, lists are the new shiny object. But, they also require effort. You have to navigate to a new stream. You have to be on the twitter website (for now). Until Lists are integrated into the apps most commonly used or people change their twitter browsing behavior, I’ll take a follower over being on a list.
- With lists, I think you’ll see a lot more replies and retweets that aren’t real time. Will lists change the real time dynamic of twitter?
- Originally, I think Lists were meant to help filter and cut down the noise. But, when you’re twitter list consists of 100, did you really cut down the noise? Maybe. Maybe filtering everyone into the same category helps people digest information faster (I think that’s been proven somewhere). To me, it’s kind of boring. I like the randomness of twitter. I like my news interspersed with humor and my favorites? Well, too much a good thing, isn’t always a good thing
- The interesting thing for brands? Lists puts brands in an grouping with their peers aka similar brands. Now, more than ever, brands will be measured and compared to what XYZ Brand is doing. It’s an interesting dynamic both for the marketers and the consumers.
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