Where Am I

I look at my “blogging” from the past few months and I have to wonder, Where Am I? I can always look back at my posts and frequency and see patterns – patterns when I was busy, unhappy, ecstatic, loving it all, reflecting, etc. To me, it’s a pretty cool representation of the “ups-and-downs and sides-to-sides” of my life.

To me, looking back at the pattern of the last two months speaks volumes.

And I have to wonder, why am I torturing myself? When and why did I compromise the one promise I ever made to myself? Both personally and professionally I feel like I’m right below the surface, not drowning, but right below. A bit like a perfect storm between the two parts of my life. And, no matter how hard I try, struggle and fight, I just can’t seem to break the surface for more than a few seconds.

I hope I start blogging again soon. Not these lame picture posts, but real ones, with real opinions. I know that when I do, it’ll mean that everything’s okay again.


  1. […] whole year, all I’ve done is turn a corner only to be dragged down into the abyss again. When will the rip tide let go? When is it my turn for things to go as planned or wanted? I hope […]

  2. […] day, I’m going to start blogging again for realz. Some days, I can see the surface, I just haven’t broken it fully […]

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