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In the last three years, specifically with the rise of social media and its discussions around measurement, I’ve seen more and more arguments around the measurement of online media as a whole.
Last Click is Dead! It’s all about engagement! No wait, it’s all about brand awareness!
In a recent iMedia article, 10 Reasons to Hate the Click, reason #7 sums up the “whining” of Interactive Marketers:
Reason 7: Clicks are contrary to every other media effort
Expecting advertisers to click on a banner ad is like expecting an magazine reader to turn to a page and suddenly get up and run out to buy a burger. TV ads interrupt the flow of a program, but they don’t expect an immediate response. Why is online held to a different model?
The question, “Why is online held to a different model” is the question that irks me. Online is held to a different model because that’s how we, as marketers, sold it originally. Think back to the very first time you pitched online advertising to your C-level executives. To get them on board, you most likely touted the ability to measure not only sales but down to a granular level of who was clicking and what they were clicking on.
We dug our own hole. We ingrained these concepts into not only ourselves, but our teams and our leaders.
Yes, it was the right sales pitch at the right time. It may still be the right sales pitch for your company, especially if the bulk of your sales are online. However, for the majority, it’s time to change our sales pitch. Instead of whining, marketers need to work harder to “do.” They need to work harder at crafting a new sales pitch for not only display advertising but also for integrated efforts of online media as a whole.
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