The Best Part of Minneapolis

I can’t pinpoint why, but I am insanely and madly in love with the Giant Cherry Spoon. Okay, it’s official name is, “Spoonbridge and Cherry,” but that just sounds boring. After getting home and looking at some additional pictures, I realized there’s a fairly large lake around the sculpture. It’s a good thing I was […]

A Wordle of Tweets

Thanks to TweetScan and Wordle, below is a tag cloud of my last 900 tweets. I took out most of the @replies as they skewed the visual just a bit. Enjoy!

Avoid Death by Corporate Ladder

David Armano’s newest picture, The Corporate Social Media Curve, made me chuckle as I’ve seen this all too often. However, I’ve discovered an easy way to avoid this curve… educate and excite. If you have to involve legal folks, old school PR people and IT, then there’s only one way to get everyone on board. […]

50 Cent Ideas

I LOVE this idea. Some guy bought a vending machine, filled the capsules with a fun idea, the toy, a map for the idea and a quarter (refunding half the purchase price). Then, he randomly placed the machines around New York. I’m totally putting one of these in my office. It will be my latest […]

Blogger vs. WordPress

For the last few weeks, I’ve been contemplating switching from Blogger to WordPress. Last night, I gave WordPress a spin. It’s cool and really easy to add extra pages, meaning I could potentially integrate some of my freelance portfolio into the site vs. having different back ends to toggle between. However, when it imported all […]


Thanks to Adam for passing along this hysterical gem. I promise, other Clients are like this, but not us

Tiny Signs

Thanks to Dear Jane Sample, I got to see the below picture fairly early this morning. Not sure why, but that stupid, tiny sign helped me make it through the day. So here’s to all the tiny signs and post secrets that someone leaves for someone else to find.

How Many Times

Why are the simplest things so difficult? I feel like a broken record. I’d like to say it’s just one moron, but, oh no, it’s basically everyone we work with. Why can’t people get the following things through their heads: 1. Use our out of market logo aka put “Las Vegas” on all our advertising. […]

Dog Poo

The creator of Twitter’s Fail Whale, Yiying Lu, designs other cute pictures. I thoroughly enjoy her series on How to Put Away Your Dog Poo. Who comes up with shit (pun intended) like this?!

Absolut Pleasure

I was contemplating writing my thoughts on “managing expectations,” but it’s Sunday and I’m in relaxing spa mode, so instead, you get this fabulous ad from Absolut. Found courtesy of their Facebook Fan Page.

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