42 Days

It took 42 days, but today, I threw away the last box. I’m not exactly sure what that means, but I know it was a significant milestone. Yes, small to the outside world, but a milestone in my book nonetheless. I know that my next defining moment isn’t quite ready for me, but it’s getting […]


The NY Times recently wrote an article about 20-Somethings and how they’re sooo different from previous generations. To be honest, every generation feels something similar about the generation after them. Part of the article gives stats about moving. Among other numbers, they cite that 20-somethings are very mobile and move about once every year. I’d […]

Friends Indeed

My fifth grade teacher taught me the meaning of the phrase, “a friend in need, is a friend indeed.” I can’t quite remember what she said, but I do remember how I felt after – disbelief and hurt. I didn’t want to believe the lesson she had imparted. I didn’t want to believe that my […]

Blog Love

I love my blog. Maybe that’s a little narcissistic to say, but I do. I won’t share the story of why or how I started it, but I love it nonetheless. Throughout the years, it has been a constant that has grown with me. It’s been my “twitter” of short posts before I knew what […]

No Strings

I stumbled upon a great quote today by Cheng Yen: Happiness does not coming from having much, but from being attached to little How true? It seems like we are happiest when our lives contain no strings – no material things, no pets that can die, no significant others we care enough about to hurt […]


Change is a good thing. Spending the money, traveling where I want and creating experiences… here’s to a new chapter. A chapter where once again I build my wings on the way down.

Happy July 4

Budget Planner – Mint.com

In Search of Butterflies

I know that real life is never like the movies. I know that things don’t always go as planned or desired, even when you try your hardest, make sacrifices or do something that scares you. Yet, I still believe in butterflies. Maybe it’s my way of saying you always have to be happy and passionate […]

My Bucket List

It’s short. It’s immediate. It’s all things I can do on my own… no “better half” needed, you know, just in case See the Northern Lights Visit London, Greece and Ireland Cross off a few more items on my sex list Visit the Warhol museum Spend my last days in St. Thomas on a beach, […]

Life is a Highway

I like to believe that life is a series of moments. I call them rides. People come into your life for a reason. And sometimes, as painful as it is, they also go. Sometimes, they come back, but not often. Matt came into my life to teach me about first loves. He also taught me […]

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