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the ups-and-downs and sides-to-sides of the little things that make up life
I’d say, here’s to great sex at the stroke of midnight… but that would go against my rule of “No Sex on a Holiday” So instead, here’s to one more ride around the sun!
Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, you can’t help but smile at the below. May your holiday season be spent with friends, family and loved ones. And if it’s not, may it be spent doing something you love.
I’ve always loved the quote: Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer, but wish we didn’t. If you think about it, it is incredibly true. If it’s an easy question, there’s no need to consult anyone. If it’s a tough question, but easy answer, again, no need for consultation. But, it’s […]
I won’t go into why, but today my final straw was reached. It takes A LOT for me to reach my final straw. In fact, I can only recall one other time…
I’m not a fan of the first two weeks of December. To say they are rough would be an understatement. Every year, I work at. I think, I hope and convince myself it will be different, but not yet. December 9 marks five years. I can’t believe it’s been that long. I certainly can’t imagine what life […]
It was the chicken’s day off! Happy Turkey Day! Hope it’s a great one.
Every year on my birthday I get a special delivery… a birthday card from a dead guy. Seriously. So far, the cards have always been funny. This year’s said, “You’re officially closer to 30 than 20.” It was one of our inside jokes. Part of me is glad he had the insight to do this. […]
Today was filled with unexpected excitement. Part of me is trying really hard to not count my chickens before they “officially” hatch. The other part is realizing that the creation of a “When I was 26” list will be needed. If this chicken hatches, I will have completed the three “realistic” items on my “When I was 25” list. To […]
Memories are a funny thing. Sometimes, you fight to hold onto them. And sometimes, you fight to let them go. I’m not sure which scenario is harder to accomplish. For a long time, I was so scared of losing certain memories that I clung on with everything I had. I was so scared of what […]
On a whim, I flew to the opposite side of the United States to remember childhood dreams. I could have gone to California or Mexico, but noooo; I always like taking things to the extreme. Besides the water color and diving, by favorite part about the Bahamas and more specifically, Scotland Key, is my brightly […]