Victory Tastes Like Cherries

I still haven’t figured out what victory smells like. Probably something gross like dirt and sweat. But, the taste of victory? Well, it’s a mix of cherries and peanut butter with a hint of nutty chocolate. Today’s victory was especially sweet as it has been nine long months coming. It’s been nine months of fighting. Nine […]

Escape Routes

I have a lot of rules. I also get a lot of shit for having them. My “always have an escape route” rule is usually a fan favorite. You’d think my “no sex on holidays” rule would be much more laughable, but apparently not. Personally, I think having an escape route is pretty damn practical. Escape […]

200 Nonsense Notes

As crazy as it sounds, this is my 200th post. As a mini milestone, I’ve been debating what I wanted to write for post #200. I finally decided to make it a personal one that recapped some of the major and not so major changes as of late. Since starting this blog seven months ago, a […]


I finally started packing this weekend. I hate packing. I hate unpacking even more. Surprisingly, packing provides several interesting lessons: 1. Realizing how many boxes your life fits into is quite the lesson in humility. Moreover, the fact that your whole life can fit into x amount of boxes, well that’s sobering too. 2. Packing […]

Remember When

Stuff about how Generations interact, view the world and experience things always intrigues me. So of course, Beloit College’s Mindset List got me thinking. It’s a collection of 60 cultural waypoints to help professors understand where the Class of 2009 is coming from. Below are a few of my favorites: They have always been looking for Carmen Sandiego. […]

Idea Grabber

I loved this idea so much, that I spent the last few weeks hunting and then doctoring one of my own. Today, it debuted in my office. It was a huge hit and brought tons of laughter and smiles! Besides bringing smiles and laughter, the fun thing for me was watching all the different ways people […]

Switching to WordPress

I finally re-formatted all my posts to where I’m satisfied enough to write my first “official” WordPress post. The formatting still isn’t perfect- I have two posts that I can’t figure out how to fix, all the posts with two or more pictures or videos still aren’t lining up and all the titles are in […]

Go Phelps

Once again, an advertiser has missed out on some key opportunities by not making their videos easily sharable. Visa’s campaign, Go World, for the Olympics is really cute, involves a lot of feel good commercials and an in-depth site with athletes’ background stories. However, none of the videos can be embedded and there’s no one […]

Fortune Cookies and Wings

Last night’s fortune cookie said, “Stop searching for forever, happiness is just next to you.” Somehow, the fortunes I get in cookies always seem to be really appropriate or really get me thinking. This one did both. In my business life, I’m a total risk-taking maverick. I’m constantly launching new initiatives and being the first […]

Opening Ceremony Trivia

I love random trivia. Here’s some about the Olympic Opening Ceremonies in Beijing: 11,000 athletes and 204 nations with 87 of them never having a medal winner will partake in the 2008 Summer Olympics 15,000 performers took part Dancers trained for eight months Film maker, Zhang Yimou choreographed all the performances 91,000 spectators This was […]

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