The More Things Change, the More Things Stay the Same

One of my guilty pleasures is random, useless trivia. Ask me the capital of Nevada. No idea. Ask me who designed the Mr. Peanut logo. A 14 year old boy who won $5 in a logo contest. Combine my guilty pleasure with my anal organization and you get 27 word documents filled with cool quotes […]

One Percent

As of late, thoughts of passion and happiness have been at the forefront of my mind. Two years ago, I made myself a promise: My happiness is the only thing that matters. And, no matter what it costs or what lengths I have to go to, I will always be happy. Thus far, I’ve stayed 100% […]

Breaking the Bleeding Edge

There’s never one surefire way to accomplish a task. But, consider this… Twitter has been alive and kicking since 2006. Thanks to some big brands joining and a few other newsworthy events (i.e. the World Series), it broke to the middle of the bleeding edge in early 2008; two years after it launched. But, in terms […]

Hello, I'm a Moron

Agencies like to complain ad nauseum that BDC’s don’t allow them to “do their thing.” But, the new Microsoft campaign is a great example of a BDC (Microsoft) allowing their BDA (CP+B) to do their thing. Let’s take a look at what’s happend thus far: Campaign sucks. In fact, it sucks so much that Microsoft pretends it […]

Victory Tastes Like Cherries

I still haven’t figured out what victory smells like. Probably something gross like dirt and sweat. But, the taste of victory? Well, it’s a mix of cherries and peanut butter with a hint of nutty chocolate. Today’s victory was especially sweet as it has been nine long months coming. It’s been nine months of fighting. Nine […]

The Conference Woman

Since I wrote about the Conference Man, it’s only fair that I write about the Conference Woman; I don’t want to seem sexist or anything like that. Like men, women love conferences for basically the same reasons – free booze, getting egos stroked, escaping from an overbearing boss, oh yeah, and maybe learning a few new things. […]

The Conference Man

We all love work conferences. They are an excuse to drink lots of alcohol, say funny things, get out of the office on the company’s dime and maybe learn a thing or two. So, what does the conference going male look like? Let’s breakdown some of the most infamous types: The Liar. Hello! We all work in interactive marketing. […]

A Guy Walks into a Bar

A guy and his friend walk into a bar. The bartender says, “What’ll it be?” Guy #1 says, “Uhhh…”, looks around and sees the lone Corona sign in the bar. The guy points to the sign and says, “Well, I guess I’ll have a Corona.” The bartender hands Guy #1 a cold one, turns to […]

I'm a Total Dork

I still can’t get over how many people in the Interactive space don’t try out “new” things or even old ones (i.e. Facebook). Aren’t you supposed to be the poster child for interactive stuff? Doesn’t your company rely on you to provide them with a strategy for that space? How can you provide great strategy […]

Social Media Frustrations

I can’t decide whether I’m annoyed or frustrated. Social Media and Web 2.0 have been around for a few years now, and yet everyone is still wishy washy about measurements. Okay, they’ve been around for more than a few years, but in the last year or so, BDC’s are finally understanding what “it” is. Still, […]

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