3 C's

I don’t know about you, but the buzz phrase, “Content is King” is getting pretty old. The next level of this is the context vs. content debate. Clearly, CP+B really took this concept to heart when creating the new Microsoft commercial with Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld. However, I don’t think it’s working too well for them… […]

My Wishlist

While reading this, I stumbled upon this. Don’t ask me how. Anyway, The Top 10 Wishlist for Agencies of the Future was interesting, especially #3: Leverage Virtual Communities. Really? Um, okay. The list lost some credibility at that point, but, it also inspired me to make my own Wishlist (some “borrowed” from the original list): […]

Bursting Bubbles

I mentioned magic bullets awhile ago. If you’d like to continue to believe in them, I suggest that you STOP NOW and DO NOT read any further. Still reading? Okay… then I’m going to say it… proximity marketing is BULLSHIT. In theory, it’s new, it’s cool and unlike SMS it’s (a) free to the end user (no standard […]

Hey Twitter, Grade This

This week, Twitter was abuzz about a new Twitter Grader. The grader takes several points into account and gives a person’s Twitter stream an overall score. With the release of this, some suggested that Twitter also add a “thumbs up / thumbs down” feature for individual tweets in order to increase “signal” and decrease “noise”. […]

Creative Requirements

Erich Fromm once said, “Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.” That’s exactly what happened when Orbitz partnered with three hotels for their Fill a Plane promotion. Not only was it a creative idea, but it was a great show and tell about the power of social media.  Idea Behind the Promotion: – […]

Defined by Brands

A few months ago, Dear Jane Sample designed a Brand Timeline. Marketing folks loved the idea and several bloggers, including myself, created their own Brand Profile. It’s been really interesting to see not only the brands people choose to include (especially the International ones), but the way in which each person designed the actual timeline. Some […]

Why Google Trends Rocks

Find My Brand

Oftentimes, search gets a bad rap. It can do no right. However, it’s important to remember that SEM is a “pull” form of marketing. Unless a person actively goes to their search tool of choice (Google, Yahoo, Live, whatever), types in (a) your brand name or (b) the generic category that your brand falls into, you’ll […]

Viral Madness

Viral Marketing makes me laugh. I think every CEO has said, “let’s do a viral campaign” to their BDA. Anyone not in the industry suggests that you learn more about it as there is an “extremely high demand for that in conjunction with marketing” (yes, this is a real quote from one of my non-interactive […]

I'm Lazy, I Like These

Usual collection of links that I think are fun, but am too lazy to write a full blog post about: Animal Planet “We’re Not that Different” Ads. Cute and funny. Guess I’m not quite grown up yet. There’s still way more beer in my fridge than food. Looks like everyone is banking on mobile advertising to […]

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