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the ups-and-downs and sides-to-sides of the little things that make up life
In case you didn’t read my previous post, we’re currently in planning for 2009. Personally, I love budget season. No really, I do. I love playing games and this game is the biggest of them all… how much money can you successfully weasel out of Finance, your Client, your Boss, etc. I don’t know about […]
Lately, several posts have popped up about brands on Twitter and how they should use the service. These posts annoy the hell out of me. The people who are writing them are (a) not directly associated with the big brands that are on Twitter (b) don’t have any big brand clients on Twitter and (c) […]
Once again, an advertiser has missed out on some key opportunities by not making their videos easily sharable. Visa’s campaign, Go World, for the Olympics is really cute, involves a lot of feel good commercials and an in-depth site with athletes’ background stories. However, none of the videos can be embedded and there’s no one […]
Today’s iMedia article, How Agencies Blew the Pitch, is great. I wish I could have contributed, but since we have a strict no comment policy, I couldn’t add my horror stories. And boy, do I have a lot Just a few things I love about the article and totally agree with: 1. The little things […]
I hadn’t planned on blogging tonight, but after my horrendous sales call today, I feel the need to share a few tips for Sales Professionals. To clarify, everyone at some point can be considered a Sales Professional. Every time you meet new people, go on a job interview, etc., you are selling something; yourself. With […]
Today officially kicked off Budgeting and “Strategic” Planning Season aka 4 months of hell. In lieu of this fabulous season, I’d like to share a few of my favorite things: 1. For 4 months people will use the excuse, “I’m in budgeting” to not answer emails, not meet deadlines and put a hold on any […]
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard something about Facebook’s new redesign. The really cool thing? For several weeks now, they’ve let users choose to toggle between the “new” Facebook and the “old” Facebook. BRILLIANT. Not only are they getting crucial feedback and working out any bugs, they are slowly easing users into […]
Ed McCabe once said, “An ad that doesn’t cause a ruckus is a lousy ad. I’m constantly in trouble and I think that’s proof of my worth.” Think about it. If you’re not making waves and shaking things up, you’re not doing your job. The internet changes at least every six months. So, why are […]
I’m lazy, so few words tonight. But, below are some fun links worth checking out. This blogger is possibly more anal than me. He even made intense diagrams to prove his point and a PDF Brochure of all the diagrams. Holy cow. Still haven’t had a chance to fully read this, but awesome compilation of […]
Every few months, someone in my circle of family and friends poses this question, “Soooo…. what exactly do you do?” This is usually how the resulting conversation goes: Me: Do you know what Media Buying is? Grandpa: No Me: Uh, ok, do you know those ads you see on websites? Grandpa: Uh, not really Me: […]