The Web Steaker

This guy will streak across the website of your choice. The upside? He’s cute and pink; unlike most streakers out there. Not quite sure what it has to do with Vodafone though… kinda like Office Max’s “Elf Yourself viral campaign. I think Colle McVoy did a much better job of aligning Atmosphere with a viral […]

Interactive Marketing

Digital Thought Leadership Outside of Area Codes That Begin With 9 or 1 is a fabulous article about LVIMA. Basically, LVIMA rocks and interactive marketers in Vegas can play ball with the big dogs too.


The Las Vegas Interactive Marketing Association aka LVIMA rocks! And so does this video about our upcoming event:

Go Green

Cool contest on Facebook to promote campaign. Some really great pictures.

Rejected Valentine's

Shoebox gets their relationship with customers. On another note, holy cow, there’s A LOT of companies out there with official blogs… had no idea. [youtube=”″]

Twitter Rocks

Cute, simple video that explains Twitter in “plain English” and cut-out pictures. Love when people dumb it down for the masses.

When Life Gives You Lemons…

PAINT THAT SHIT GOLD. Fun site, but basically I just love saying, “Paint that shit gold.” Oh yea, the music rocks too.


Who needs ’em when you got YouTube gems like these: Paid Search: Design Coding: Link Building 101:

I Heart AdRants

Some days, I think AdRants is the sole thing that keeps me sane. Things that made me die laughing / smile today, courtesy of AdRants: Shave and Get Laid. You Wish… too tired to figure out if this is something Microsoft actually did or a spoof, but either way it’s funny as hell:

What's Ahead

Right Media-esque products/publishers… changing the way advertisers do display media buying. It’ll be interesting to watch who comes out on top and who flounders…

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