Now Waits for No One

Twitter’s been all a flutter over the new Sprint commercial that references, you guessed it, twitter. I finally watched it tonight, and… I LOVE it. It’s sharp, it has tons of random trivia (which I’m a total sucker for) and it’s funny. On a side note, I’ve been hearing some interesting rumblings about 4G technologies. One […]

ROI This

It drives me bonkers when people skate around the ROI question, especially when it comes to Social Media. If you’re leading your Company’s Social Media efforts and you haven’t put some sort of measurement in place, then shame on you. You can put an ROI to anything. Supposedly, during the Marketing 2.0 Conference in Paris, […]

Laundry Fairies and YouTube

Tonight, on Celebrity Apprentice, the task was to create a “viral video” for All Laundry Detergent. Surprise, surprise both videos sucked. In fact, the creative from every episode is lame, but that’s another story. However, unlike other episodes, two new “viral” videos were professionally created that better represented the All brand. These videos were then posted […]

One or One Hundred

Today on twitter, @cheeky_geeky asked the following question: “What’s better, one @jowyang or 100 average engagers?” is a serious question, because the government is thinking about this now too #gov20 My response? 100 average engagers. That’s right, I’m going for quantity in this scenario. Here’s why: I’m going on the assumption that 100 average engagers like […]

World's Best Campaign

For the last three months, I’ve watched Queensland Tourism kick off its new marketing campaign with The Best Job in the World contest. It’s a thing of genius. It makes me weep. Thirty-five thousand (34,684 to be exact) videos about my product within 2.5 months? Videos viewed an average of 560 times? Being the #1 viewed site […]

Human Nature vs. Behavior

Quotes like, “technology changes, humans don’t” and “human nature doesn’t change, human behavior does” are quite popular these days, especially if you’re talking to someone in the interactive space. But, what does it mean in terms of how people continue to connect? According to Mark Zuckerberg’s interview on the Today Show, Facebook is growing by 700,000 users […]

Facebook Fan Page Redesign

I’m currently annoyed with trying to update my Facebook Fan Page via the new design. I’m sure part of it’s user error (it always is ), but here are my initial thoughts about the redesign: Eh. Not Excited Yet: It puts the wall front and center. Note, you can have non-fans default elsewhere. I think […]

Taste the Interweb

Yep, this is another post about the Skittles website redesign. Why? Because I feel like it. The site launched last week. It took the twitterverse about 4 days (2 business days) to really become abuzz about it. I’m sure the articles in AdRants, AdFreak and every other industry mag helped a bit. Here’s ten things I […]

The Future of Advertising

Anyway you slice it, it sounds silly. And yes, I still feel silly explaining and getting excited about things like “Tweeter” (how all my coworkers pronounce it) and this crazy thing called “Facebook Connect”.

Go Live

Every time we go live with a major change I question why large corporations are moronic. The easy answer? Corporations are so caught up in “processes” and “forms” that they forget the backbone of their business. In the past three years, I’ve watched a lot of programs launch. Most have taken years to implement. You know, two years […]

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