Thinking Operationally

As I’m reading along today, I’ve come across many “ridiculously easy” solutions to all my problems. Here’s just a few: Screw the Stakeholders web design requests. Just have an empowered web strategist. Really? Oh, okay. Let me whip that right up. Even if your web strategist is empowered, I’d like to see them sit in […]


Patience is not a virtue of mine. I try and sometimes succeed, especially if it involves kids. But, lately, all I feel like I’ve done is wait. A few things that I currently hate waiting on: Web Analytics Data. Ugh. Waiting 24 hours to see if your data populates correctly kills me. What a waste of time. Make […]

Ways to Piss Me Off

I’ve experienced some less than stellar BDA’s in my day, but the one I’m currently working with takes the cake. And I mean the WHOLE cake. Needless to say, I’ve doubled the yardage I swim in the morning. Otherwise, I’d be so pissed I’d probably get arrested for trying to beat the shit out of […]

Dear Vendor

Dear Vendor, I would like to spend money with you. I would like to form a long term partnership with your company and throw money your way. In these times, I find it unlikely that you have massive amounts of potential clients knocking down your door. In fact, I know you were a cutback with […]

Strategy "Experts"

This is a rant that’s been sitting in my drafts for awhile, but since I haven’t posted in a bit, here it goes: I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of “experts” telling me that Facebook and Twitter are the places to be, MySpace is worthless and everything else doesn’t matter. Ummm, NO. Facebook […]

Annoying Phrases

Like linking to something that everyone and their mom reads, there are a few phrases that annoy me. IMHO (In my humble opinion). I groan when people write this. It’s their way of being snarky and telling you that you’re wrong and they’re right. Although, they’re too wimpy to say it outright so they hide behind […]

ROI This

It drives me bonkers when people skate around the ROI question, especially when it comes to Social Media. If you’re leading your Company’s Social Media efforts and you haven’t put some sort of measurement in place, then shame on you. You can put an ROI to anything. Supposedly, during the Marketing 2.0 Conference in Paris, […]

Go Live

Every time we go live with a major change I question why large corporations are moronic. The easy answer? Corporations are so caught up in “processes” and “forms” that they forget the backbone of their business. In the past three years, I’ve watched a lot of programs launch. Most have taken years to implement. You know, two years […]

#1 Pet Peeve

I wrote about pet peeves here and here, but both times I forgot my #1 Pet Peeve. Yes, I am flabbergasted as well. So what is my biggest pet peeve you ask? Well, drum roll please… NOT WALKING THE WALK aka breaking promises. Don’t: – say you’re going to send an email in 30 minutes if you […]

The Finger

This is how I feel about the last 30 days. I hope the craptastic bullshit that I’ve been dealing with ends soon. Personally, I thought I had fairly decent karma, but apparently I pissed the hell out of someone somewhere.

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