Hello, I'm a Moron

Agencies like to complain ad nauseum that BDC’s don’t allow them to “do their thing.” But, the new Microsoft campaign is a great example of a BDC (Microsoft) allowing their BDA (CP+B) to do their thing. Let’s take a look at what’s happend thus far: Campaign sucks. In fact, it sucks so much that Microsoft pretends it […]

The Conference Woman

Since I wrote about the Conference Man, it’s only fair that I write about the Conference Woman; I don’t want to seem sexist or anything like that. Like men, women love conferences for basically the same reasons – free booze, getting egos stroked, escaping from an overbearing boss, oh yeah, and maybe learning a few new things. […]

The Conference Man

We all love work conferences. They are an excuse to drink lots of alcohol, say funny things, get out of the office on the company’s dime and maybe learn a thing or two. So, what does the conference going male look like? Let’s breakdown some of the most infamous types: The Liar. Hello! We all work in interactive marketing. […]

The 11.5th Hour

I thought the 11th Hour was bad. But nope, the requests I got today were even better. Who knew? Apparently, my job description now includes script writing, movie directing and graphic designer. Setting: 8:45AM Friday. Phone call transferred to my cell phone. Person in Need (slightly paraphrased), “We’re presenting to 15 Presidents plus the VP’sand a […]

Customer Service

Moving always comes with the fun part of switching all your services, getting new services, etc. Below are just a few companies I’ve dealt with during my move. And yes, they ALL screwed up my changes one way or the other, albeit some got fixed faster than others. Comcast (TV and Internet) DHL FedEx Linksys Moving […]

My Wishlist

While reading this, I stumbled upon this. Don’t ask me how. Anyway, The Top 10 Wishlist for Agencies of the Future was interesting, especially #3: Leverage Virtual Communities. Really? Um, okay. The list lost some credibility at that point, but, it also inspired me to make my own Wishlist (some “borrowed” from the original list): […]

11th Hour

There’s a lot of things I’ll never understand. The below scenario is just one of them. Background: Strategic Planning is done EVERY year at the SAME time. For the most part, the timelines and order of events are the SAME. The fact that you have to put together a major presentation for #3 in the entire […]

Rule #76

In case you didn’t read my previous post, we’re currently in planning for 2009. Personally, I love budget season. No really, I do. I love playing games and this game is the biggest of them all… how much money can you successfully weasel out of Finance, your Client, your Boss, etc. I don’t know about […]

Twitter and Brands

Lately, several posts have popped up about brands on Twitter and how they should use the service. These posts annoy the hell out of me. The people who are writing them are (a) not directly associated with the big brands that are on Twitter (b) don’t have any big brand clients on Twitter and (c) […]

How Can You Suck So Much

I’m so pissed off right now that I can barely form a coherent sentence. However, I’m going to attempt to formulate several sentences so that I don’t murder someone tomorrow. Background: Presentation to 300+ partners, with the majority being Director level and above. Pending public speaking nerves, presentation content is fairly simple as it’s being […]

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