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Cute, simple video that explains Twitter in “plain English” and cut-out pictures. Love when people dumb it down for the masses.
Does this hit way too close to home for anyone?
Who needs ’em when you got YouTube gems like these: Paid Search: Design Coding: Link Building 101:
Some days, I think AdRants is the sole thing that keeps me sane. Things that made me die laughing / smile today, courtesy of AdRants: Shave and Get Laid. You Wish… too tired to figure out if this is something Microsoft actually did or a spoof, but either way it’s funny as hell:
Remember She-ra, Surfs, Fraggle Rock, Gummi Bears and Fruit Strip Gum? [youtube=””] [youtube=””]
What Has Running Given You? Make-up “Running”: The Break-Up:
If only an advertiser had capitalized on this video… 81MM views later: