Clients In Real Life

This video made a lot of rounds this week, but it’s too funny not to post. The funniest things are based on reality… scary and true

New Way PR Unfolds

I’m not a fan of Domino’s Pizza. While I applaud their innovative marketing efforts, I’m just not a fan of their product. To be fair, I’m not a fan of Pizza Hut or Papa Johns either. However, I’m impressed with how quickly Domino’s handled their recent PR nightmare. If you haven’t heard or seen it, […]

Happy Keester

Who knew that more chocolate was sold in relation to Easter than Valentine’s Day? I guess that’s why everyone is always smiling. I searched high and low for funny Easter pictures or videos. While I found a Peep Show: And Easter Keesters: Far and away my favorite is still the video I found last year which […]

Now Waits for No One

Twitter’s been all a flutter over the new Sprint commercial that references, you guessed it, twitter. I finally watched it tonight, and… I LOVE it. It’s sharp, it has tons of random trivia (which I’m a total sucker for) and it’s funny. On a side note, I’ve been hearing some interesting rumblings about 4G technologies. One […]

Laundry Fairies and YouTube

Tonight, on Celebrity Apprentice, the task was to create a “viral video” for All Laundry Detergent. Surprise, surprise both videos sucked. In fact, the creative from every episode is lame, but that’s another story. However, unlike other episodes, two new “viral” videos were professionally created that better represented the All brand. These videos were then posted […]


I’m not the biggest fan of Michael Phelps. Never have been. But, still a great, funny video:

G2 Commercial

Why Gatorade chose to give up their brand equity and rebrand themselves as G, the world may never know. Not only do they not show up in organic search for “G2”, but they also didn’t bother to buy any paid placements. Gatorade? Yep, they have the top two positions in organic search. Nevertheless, their new commercial […]

Show Me Your Twits

A little long, but I love making fun of myself

World's Best Campaign

For the last three months, I’ve watched Queensland Tourism kick off its new marketing campaign with The Best Job in the World contest. It’s a thing of genius. It makes me weep. Thirty-five thousand (34,684 to be exact) videos about my product within 2.5 months? Videos viewed an average of 560 times? Being the #1 viewed site […]

Photography is a Journey

I’ve always liked the quote, “life is a journey.” Canon’s play on words in one of its commercial series makes me revisit it time and again. Photography is a journey. I wish I could find my favorite commerical of the series, but alas, this one will have to do:   Where do your photographs take […]

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