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the ups-and-downs and sides-to-sides of the little things that make up life
Actually, I think writing about how much BDA’s SUCK will make me feel better. Just a few of the complete and total lies I heard this week AND caught them in: Lie: Files were delivered to printer on time, at 3:00 PM. Reality: HELLO dumbass. You forwarded me the email saying they were delivered at […]
Know the secrets to solving problems: They also, “think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” That’s why they use cool charts like the one above and below; because really, the hokey pokey is what it’s all about (and cool charts, duh). Charts courtesy of GraphJam, […]
I am currently ROYALLY pissed off and completely befuddled by a few things: People’s COMPLETE inability to use spell check. Honestly, how hard is it to click one button? You don’t even have to know how to spell a damn thing. Any computer program has a function that does it for you! Why would you […]
That’s right ladies and gentleman, I know the “cure all” for your problems! Are you ready for it? Are you sure? I think I may need a drum roll… Add it to the website! AND if you create a whole page for it, well by golly…Yep, that’s it. No marketing, no advertising, no special offer […]
A few things I just don’t get about Sales Professionals / people trying to pitch us / people who have a promotional idea: Sales Professionals who come to a meeting 100% unprepared. Hell, some of them don’t even bring a deck to pretend they’re prepared. Even more developers don’t bring a demo of their product. […]
Wow, haven’t blogged in awhile, but I’m sure I’ll make up for it in the next day or so; got a lot of stories. Of course, the first one will be about karma: I spend a year and a half working really hard to get everyone on board with this crazy thing called interactive marketing […]
Oh, how I wish I could do this in real life. But, alas I think I’d get in trouble, so this Beating Card from Faber vs. Pulver will have to do.
Courtesy of Dear Jane Sample. I think I’ll wear this EVERY TIME I’m presented a brief from Sucky Agency Extraordinaire.
Ummm… how long does it take to write a f’ing press release? It’s not a 3,000 word feature story, it includes minor, if any, research and if memory serves, I used to bang out press releases in under an hour.So, remind me again why it takes TWO WHOLE MONTHS (and counting) to write a press […]