Dear Jane

Dear Jane Sample is a wickedly funny blog about the ups and downs of an Ad Agency AE in Toronto. Just a few of the many gems found: Think before forwarding: Have a stupid question? Ask Google first:

Advertising Bingo

Wondering how to make it through ANOTHER conference call? Advertising Bingo is the answer to all your prayers! Do you keep falling asleep in meetings and seminars? What about those long and boring conference calls? Advertising Bingo is a way to change all of that!

Better Than the Original

This just rocks. Gotta love spoofs:

Quote of the Week

Quote that made my week. Courtesy of Magnumpeon and posted on the YouTube video about CRISS ANGEL Believe: “Is this egomaniac ever not narcissistic or completely phony? Even his Cirque du Soleil website is something stolen from Marcelo Gellert’s website that you can find on MySpace. Check it out and you can see the obvious […]

Things I Learned

So yesterday was basically the most horrific day of my life. Okay, I’m exaggerating. It was the 4th worst day of my entire life. But, you might as well learn something, even on the worst days, so here it is: Everyone should adopt my email signature style – all contact information, including office and cell […]

Are You Kidding

Allow me to, once again, be boogled…Scenerio: Press Release, etc. is scheduled for 5:35 am the next day… Logo is revoked at 6:30 pm night before. It is decided we will go out tomorrow with NO visual. Are you f’ing kidding me?!? 5:35 am press release. Seriously?! Who chose that time. Again, what the f*ck? […]


More things my tiny brain just can’t comprehend: How can you be gainfully employed as a “Copywriter” and SUCK at writing copy, let alone proof reading and using spell check?? Our front line slot staff writes better copy than some of the copywriters I know. It’s a sad day when you write the advertising copy […]

Unleash the Fury


Things that confuse me: 1. Why people don’t ask for original files. It’s not a new concept. 2. How you can work in the biz for 2+ years and not ask for complete, original files. 3. How you can call yourself a production artist and not know how to convert eps files to psd files. […]

Today's Frustrations

Things that are mind boggling to me: 1. People who don’t fully read an email before replying with a stupid/already answered question 2. People who can’t think outside the box. Even a teenie tiny bit 3. Newbies who don’t want to please the client

  • Anal Organization

  • Oldies But Goodies

  • More Stuff

  • Nonsense Notes