Who's Driving Your Company

Who’s driving your company? Is it your line or your staff? In Vegas, I’ve had the pleasure of seeing the inside workings of many hotels. Some are driven by the line. Some are driven by staff. The difference is dramatic. The difference ebbs from efficiency to morale to revenue. Of course, you need staff. You […]

Settling or Doing

For some reason, I keep coming back to the below image tonight. I can’t decide whether I agree or disagree. Does it speak to settling or does it speak to taking action with whatever you have? Sometimes, we, and the people around us get so caught up in the “cannot’s” and the minute details that […]

Dear Vendor

Dear Vendor, I would like to spend money with you. I would like to form a long term partnership with your company and throw money your way. In these times, I find it unlikely that you have massive amounts of potential clients knocking down your door. In fact, I know you were a cutback with […]

Retaining Talent

Personally, I think companies should do whatever possible to retain their Superstar, A-List players. But, most companies don’t have that mindset. They consider you replaceable. In fact, they consider you replaceable by someone younger, greener and willing to do the job on a smaller salary. But, if you’re in the business of hiring A’s and […]


When it comes to deadlines, I’m old school. I cut my teeth in the print, newspaper and magazine business pre-computers. Yep, I started in a word where pages had to be “camera ready” and layouts were drawn on several layers of carbon paper. The first Editor I worked for drilled the below ancedote about Deadlines into […]

8 Reasons Why Agencies Hate Clients

Which one(s) are you guilty of? Personally, I’ve experienced (or used) every. single. one.

People That Make Meetings "Special"

Death by Meeting does a great job explaining the different types of meetings one should have. However, it lacks explaining the stereotypical types of people in your meetings The Ditzy Meeting Organizer: This person has no idea why they even called a meeting. When everyone shows up, the organizer scratches his/her head and says, “Why’d […]

How People Grab Ideas

I totally forgot to write the follow up to my Idea Grabber, so here it is: Every one “grabs” ideas differently. It’s been really cool to watch and guess what people will do. Most of the time, the way they approach grabbing an idea fits their personality perfectly. It also fits the way they approach […]

Go Live

Every time we go live with a major change I question why large corporations are moronic. The easy answer? Corporations are so caught up in “processes” and “forms” that they forget the backbone of their business. In the past three years, I’ve watched a lot of programs launch. Most have taken years to implement. You know, two years […]

Rockstar Managers

Managing people is a tough job. It’s also an art form that few people excel at. Before you sign onto a job that involves having people report directly to you, make sure you can do the below things. Of course, a lot of other things make up rock star managers, but this is a rant […]

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